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3 of Amshir, 1741

Gregorian Calender

List of names



<Tout 1741>
<Baba 1741>

October 4, 2024 - Tout 24, 1741

Departure of St. Gregory the Monk

On this day departed St. Gregory the monk. He was the son of righteous, Christian and exceedingly rich parents from one of the cities of Upper Egypt. They gave great importance to teaching their son the art of speaking and medicine and then they taught him the doctrine of the Church. Next, they sent him to the father Abba Isaac, bishop of their city who made him a deacon to serve the altar, and when they wanted him to get married, he refused. After this, the bishop promoted him to a full deacon and he kept continually praying as he had been inclined to solitude since his early years. He used to pay many visits to Abba Pachomius. He took much money from his parents and brought it to St. Pachomius, beseeching him to spend it on building monasteries. The saint accepted his alms and spent it on building the monasteries of the holy Cenobitism.

After this, he went to Abba Pachomius, where he became a monk, and he struggled practicing all kinds of virtues. The fornicators learned purity from his appearance and example. He dwelt there for thirteen years. When Saint Macarius came to visit St. Pachomius, he asked St. Pachomius to permit him to go with St. Macarius. He dwelt with St. Macarius for two years, then he asked him if he could live alone and St. Macarius allowed him. He dug out a small cave for himself in the mountain where he dwelt for seven years. He used to come to St. Macarius twice each year, on Christmas and Easter, to be guided by him in his spiritual flight. When he had completed twenty-two years of strife, God wished him to rest. God sent to him an angel who informed him that after three days he would depart from the world. St. Gregory called the elders of the desert, and bade them farewell and asked them to remember him in their prayers, and after the three days, he departed in peace. May his prayers and blessings be with us all. Amen

Martyrdom of St. Quadratus, One of the Seventy Disciples

On this day also was the martyrdom of St. Quadratus, one of the seventy disciples who were chosen by the Lord. He was born in the city of Athens, and he was one of its wealthy and learned nobles. He believed in the Lord Christ and served him. Having received the grace of the Comforter on the day of Pentecost, he went to many countries preaching the life-giving Gospel. He entered the city of Magnis and preached there and the people of the city believed and he baptized and taught them the life-giving Commandments. Then he returned to Athens and preached there, but they stoned him and tortured him severely. Finally they cast him into the fire, and he received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers and blessings be with us all, and Glory be to God forever. Amen