June 11, 2024 - Paona 4, 1740
Martyrdom of St.Shenousi (Sanusi)
Martyrdom of St.Shenousi (Sanusi)
On this day, St. Sanusi (Shenousi), who was from Balkim, was martyred. When he was a young man, he tended the sheep. He used to give his food to the young shepherds, and spend his day fasting. He visited the sick and those who were in prison. One night, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a vision and told him, Rise up, and go before the governor and confess your God to receive the crown of martyrdom. When he woke up from his sleep, he told that to his mother. She was sorry and wept for she was unable to prevent him. He had heard about a righteous holy woman, in the city of Shoubra, whose name was Mariam. She received the poor and the sojourners and did many good deeds. He went to her, and both agreed on receiving the crown of martyrdom. They went to Arsanos, the governor, who was residing in a ship anchored on the bank of the river Nile. They cried out before him saying, We are Christians. He ordered that they be tortured. While they were torturing them, St. Mariam delivered up her soul in the hand of the Lord. The Lord Christ comforted and strengthened St. Sanusi. When the Governor failed to change his conviction, he sent him with many others to the Governor of Ansena (Antinoe), who tortured him severely. Then, he brought a sorcerer from Akhmeem, who gave the Saint a drink mixed with poison. The Saint having made over it the sign of the Cross, drank it, and no harm came to him. When thegovernor was tired of torturing him, he ordered him put to death. They cut off his head with the sword. The sorcerer believed when he saw that, so they cut off his head also. Both received the crown of martyrdom.
May Their prayers be with us. Amen.
Martyrdom of Saint Anba Amoun and the Righteous Sophia
Martyrdom of Saint Anba Amoun and the Righteous Sophia
On this day also, Saint Anba Amoun and St. Sophia were martyred.
May their prayers be with us. Amen.
Martyrdom of John of Herakleia
Martyrdom of John of Herakleia
. This day also, marks the martyrdom of St. John of Herakleia.
May his prayer be with us. Amen.
Departure of Saint Aba-Hour
Departure of Saint Aba-Hour
Today also, marks the departure of the Saint Aba-Hour in the mount of El-Amoud in the East.
May his prayer be with us. Amen.
Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth, the 80th Patriarch
Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth, the 80th Patriarch
On this day also, of the year 1036 A.M. (May 29th, 1320 A.D.) Pope Yoannis the Eighth (80th Patriarch), departed. He was from Meniat Bani-Khosaim, and was known as El Mo'ataman Ebn El-Kedees, and his name was Yohanna Ben-Ebsal. He became a monk in the monastery of El-Shahran, and was ordained Patriarch on the nineteenth of Amshir, 1016 A.M. (February 14th, 1300 A.D.). During his days severe tribulations befell the Christians. They forced them to tinge their turbans with the color blue. Churches were closed in old Cairo, Cairo, and then in different parts of the country except the monasteries in Alexandria, and some churches in other cities. An envoy from the king of Spain came to intercede on behalf of the Christians. Two churches were opened, one of them was the Coptic church of the Virgin Lady in Haret Zeewailah and the other was the Malachite church of St.Nicholas in Elhamzawe. He was a contemporary of the Saint Anba Barsouma known as El-Erian Ebn-Eltaban, who departed during his days. The Patriarch prayed over him on the 5th of El-Nasi 1021 A.M. This Patriarch was the last to reside in the church of Abu-Saifain in Cairo. He was the first to relocate the patriarchal chair to the church of the Virgin Lady in Haret Zeewailah. He was residing there in the year 1303 A.D. when a severe earthquake took place that destroyed a large part of Syria and Egypt. Ebn-kabre indicated that this Patriarch had made some changes in the Liturgy. He departed after remaining on the chair for twenty years, three months, and fifteen days and was buried in the monastery of El-Shahran.
May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.