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9 of Amshir, 1741 |
November 24, 2023 - Hatour 14, 1740 Departure of St. Martinus, Bishop of the Chity of Thrace On this day, the great St. Martinus, Bishop of Tours (Thrace, in France), departed. He was born to Christian parents in a city called Sorpeia. He grew up to be gentle and a worshipper who kept the Orthodox faith. He did not spare any effort in resisting the followers of Arius, who were enraged by him. Consequently, they waited for him on a road several times and beat him. When they continued chasing him, he left the city. He went to live in a cave near the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There, he sustained himself by eating plants. When his reputation spread throughout the country, he was chosen to be Bishop of Tours (Thrace). He lived an apostolic life, and grew in charity and mercy towards many people. The Lord performed many miracles through him. Once when he was passing by, he saw a person stopping a funeral and preventing the deceased person's family from burying him, claiming that the deceased owed him 400 dinars. This holy father entreated him to release the dead body, but the man refused. St. Martinus prayed and entreated God to make the truth known. The dead man was raised immediately and he rebuked the man who falsely accused him, exposing his lies before those present. Subsequently, the unjust man died and the man who was raised up from death through the prayers of St. Martinus, went back to his home and lived many years. This holy father completed his distinguished life and departed in peace. May his prayers and blessings be with us all, and Glory be to God forever. Amen. |