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14 of Toba, 1741

Coptic Calender

List of names



<July 2025>
<August 2025>

July 4, 2025 - Paona 27, 1741

Martyrdom of St. Ananias, the Apostle

On this day, St. Ananias, the apostle, departed. The apostles ordained this saint bishop for the city of Damascus. He preached therein with the life-giving gospel, as he preached also in the city of Beth-Gabriel and converted many of its people to the faith, and baptized them and their children. St. Ananias was the one to baptize the apostle Paul when the Lord sent him to him. When he baptized St. Paul, something like scales fell from his eyes, and he received his sight at once. God wrought many great miracles by his hands; and many of the Jews and Gentiles believed through his preaching. Afterwards, Lucianus the governor seized St. Ananias, and tortured him with sever tortures, such as burning his sides with fiery torches. Finally, Lucianus took him outside the city, and commanded him stoned until St. Ananias delivered up his pure soul in the hand of the Lord. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Shentalet

On this day also, St. Thomas of Shentalet (Sandalat) was martyred. Michael, the angel of the Lord, appeared to this Saint when he was twenty-one years old, while he was sleeping in the field tending the pigs. The angel Michael commanded him to go and confess the Lord Christ. St.Thomas went to Alexandria and confessed his faith before the governor who tortured him with different kinds of tortures. There were with him under the torture St. Babnuda, of the city of El-Bandara, and Anba Shenousy, from the city of Balkim, and they encouraged each other to endure. After many tortures, the governor sent St. Thomas to Arianus, the governor of Ansena, where he was beheaded and received the crown of martyrdom. There were seven hundred men and nine women martyred during his days. May Their prayers be with us, and glory be to God forever. Amen.