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Gregorian Calender

List of names



- A Thanksgiving to God

- Abba Kyrillos the Sixth, the 116th Pope of Alexandria

- Annunciation of St. Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary

- Apparition of the Pure Lady the Virgin in the church of Zeitoun

- Appearance of the Body of St. Apolidus, the Pope of Rome

- Appearance of the Head of St. John the Baptist

- Appearance of the Head of St. Longinus the Soldier

- Arrival of the Holy Relic of St. John, the Short, to the Wilderness of Scetis

- Ascension of Elijah the Prophet

- Assembly of a Council at Rome because of Epiphany of Fasting

- Assembly of a Council in Antioch for Paul of Samosat

- Assembly of a Council in Rome against Benates (or Novatus) the Priest

- Assembly of the Holy Council on the island of Bani-Omar

- Assembly of the Third General Council at Ephesus for Trying Nestor, Archbishop of Constantinople

- Assembly of the Universal Holy Council at Nicea

- Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. Mary

- Beginning of the Advent Fasting in the Coptic Church

- Birth of St. Takla-Haymanot, the Ethiopian

- Coming of St. Severus the Patriarch of Antioch to Egypt

- Commemoration Feast of the Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Anba Marcura

- Commemoration of Anba Sarapamon, known as The Veiled Bishop of El-Monofia

- Commemoration of Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Dionisa (Denisa) the Deaconess and Medius the Martyr

- Commemoration of Saints Babnuda (Paphnute) the hermit, Theodore the worshipper, and the 100 Martyrs

- Commemoration of Samson, One of the Judges of Israel

- Commemoration of Simon the Bishop

- Commemoration of St. Antonios, Bishop of Tamoui

- Commemoration of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa

- Commemoration of St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians

- Commemoration of St. Heracleas the Martyr and St.Philemon the Priest

- Commemoration of St. John the Evangelist

- Commemoration of St. Juliana the Martyr

- Commemoration of St. Mary the Virgin

- Commemoration of St. Passin and Her Children

- Commemoration of St. Seriakos (Syriacus) the Fighter

- Commemoration of St.Cleopas the Apostle and His Companion

- Commemoration of St.John the Confessor

- Commemoration of St.Mina the Deacon

- Commemoration of St.Tamada and her children, and Armenius and his mother

- Commemoration of Stephen the Priest and Niceta the Martyr

- Commemoration of the Angel Raphael, the Archangel

- Commemoration of the Appearance of a Cross of light above Golgotha

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Glorious Cross

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Lord to Thomas the Apostle after His Resurrection

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel the Announcer

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel, the Announcer of Daniel the Prophet

- Commemoration of the Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Archangel Suriel

- Commemoration of the Church of the Virgin Lady known as El-Mahammah

- Commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord Christ

- Commemoration of the Closing of the Pagan Temples and Opening of the Churches

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Altar of the Forty Martyrs in Alexandria

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of Anba Sarabamoun, Bishop of Nikios

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Agabus, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Demiana

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Julius El-Akfehas

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Mark the Evangelist and the Appearance of His Holy Body

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St.Boctor (Victor) in the region of Sho

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St.John, the Owner of the Golden Gospel, 

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the first altar for St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mora for Jacobite Christians

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the First Church, Built after the Name of St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Sanctuaries of the Resurrection

- Commemoration of the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

- Commemoration of the Departure of Abba Isaac, the Priest of El-Qalali (Cells)

- Commemoration of the Departure of St. Mary know as Marina, the Ascetic

- Commemoration of the Departure of St.Luke the Stylite and the Relocation of His Sacred Relics

- Commemoration of the Entry of the Lord Christ to Egypt

- Commemoration of the feast of Pentecost

- Commemoration of the First Church for The Virgin Mary in the City of Philippi

- Commemoration of the Four Incorporeal Beasts

- Commemoration of the Great Prophet Ezekiel, the son of Buzi

- Commemoration of the Great Sign, the Lord had Manifested During the Papacy of St. Theophilus

- Commemoration of the Holy and Pure Virgin Mary

- Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Alphaeus, Zacchaeus, Romanus and John

- Commemoration of the Honorable Angel Michael the Archangel

- Commemoration of the Honorable Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Honorable Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Lady the Theotokos

- Commemoration of the Lady, the Virgin Mary

- Commemoration of the Life giving Annunciation

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Anba Behna (Bahnou) and Anba Kloag (Bagoug), the Priest

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Master (Moallem) Malati

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Archelaus and the Martyrdom of Elisha the Hegumen

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Leontius of Tripoli (Lawendius)

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Macarius, the Son of Basilides (Wasilides) the Minister

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Takla

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St.Eudexia (Eutychia)

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St.Isidorus (Isidore) of Antioch

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Saints Balaryanos and His Brother Thiborinos

- Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee

- Commemoration of the Miracle made by St. Basilius, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia

- Commemoration of the Miracle that God performed to St. Athanasius the Apostolic

- Commemoration of the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

- Commemoration of the Preaching of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Relics of St.Titus to Constantinople

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Body of Lazarus

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Body of St. Epiphanius

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of Saints Apakir and John

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of St.Martianus the Monk

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of the Forty-Nine Elders of the Wilderness of Shiheet

- Commemoration of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ from the dead

- Commemoration of the revealing virginity of St. Demetrius, the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria

- Commemoration of the Saints Anba Bishay and Anba Abanoub

- Commemoration of the Saints Basil, Theodore and Timothy, the Martyrs

- Commemoration of the Saints George the Ascetic, Belasius the Martyr, and Anba Joseph the bishop

- Commemoration of the Saints Karbu and Apollos and Peter

- Commemoration of the Saints Thomas, Victor and Isaac, of the city of Ashmunen

- Commemoration of the Seven Martyrs on the Mountain of St. Antonius

- Commemoration of the Slain Children of Bethlehem by the order of King Herod

- Commemoration of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin St.Mary

- Commemoration of the Transfer of St.John's Relics

- Commemoration of the Transfer of the Relics of St. James, known as the Mangled

- Commemoration of the Translocation of the Relics of St. Andrew, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Twenty-Four Priests

- Commemoration of the Universal Ecclesiastical Council in Constantinople

- Commemoration of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Virgin St. Mary, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Virgin St.Mary

- Commemoration of the Virgin, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the visit of Our Lord Christ to Bethany

- Commemoration of the Wonder that took place with Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I) the Fifty-Fifth Patriarch

- Commemorative Feast of Michael the Archangel

- Confession of St. Peter, the Apostle, that Christ is the Son of the Living God

- Consecration of St. Macarius

- Consecration of the Church of Archangel Gabriel

- Consecration of the Church of Mari Mina at Maryut

- Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

- Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Mother, and Brothers

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abba Fam

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abe-Fam (Epipham) the soldier

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abu-Nofer

- Consecration of the Church of St. George of Cappadocia

- Consecration of the Church of St. Leontius of Tripoli

- Consecration of the Church of St. Mercurius

- Consecration of the Church of St. Sergius and St. Bacchus

- Consecration of the Church of St.James, the Persian

- Consecration of the Church of St.Marina

- Consecration of the Church of St.Misael, the Anchorite

- Consecration of the Church of the Great St.Anthony (Antonios)

- Consecration of the Church of the Saint, Anba Shenouda

- Consecration of the Churches of Prince Theodore, the Son of John, and Prince Theodore El-Mishreke

- Consecration of the First Church Dedicated for the Forty Martyrs from Sebaste

- Consecration of the Virgin's Church in the Mouharaque Monastery in Kuesquam Mountain

- Construction of the first church of St.George in the cities of Birma and Beer Maa (Water Well) in the Oases

- Consultation of the Chief Priests to put the righteous Lazarus to death, whom the Lord raised from the dead

- Council of Bishops took place in Alexandria

- Departure of Aaron the Priest

- Departure of Abba Abraam, Companion of Abba Gawarga

- Departure of Abba Demetrius the First, the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Abba Dionysius, the Fourteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Gabriel VII, the 95th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Isaac, the Disciple of Anba Apollo

- Departure of Anba Kyrellos (Cyril) the Seventy Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Macarius, the Fifty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Serapamon, Archpriest of Abba Yehnis (John) monastery

- Departure of Anba Yusab, Bishop of Girga, Known as El-Abbah

- Departure of Cyrus (Karas), brother of Emperor Theodosius

- Departure of David, the Prophet and King

- Departure of Elisha the Prophet

- Departure of Father Paphnute of El-Bandarah

- Departure of Hezekiah the King

- Departure of Isaiah the Prophet

- Departure of Joel the Prophet

- Departure of Jonah the Great Prophet

- Departure of Lazarus the beloved of the Lord

- Departure of Lazarus, the beloved of the Lord

- Departure of Marcianus, the Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Micah, the Prophet

- Departure of Moses the Prophet

- Departure of Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Departure of Pope Abriamus (Primus), the Fifth Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Archelaus, the Eighteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Athanasius the Second, the Twenty-Eighth Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Cosmas, the 44th Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Gabriel II, the Seventy Pope of Alexandria, who was known as Ibn Turaik

- Departure of Pope Gabriel IV, the 86th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope John (Youhanna) the First, the 29th Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) the Fourth, the One Hundred and Tenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mark the Seventh, the 106th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mark, (Marcus) VI, the 101st Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Mattheos the Second, Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Mattheos, the One Hundredth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mikhail the First, the 68th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Peter (Petros) VII, the One Hundred and Ninth Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Peter VI, the One Hundred and Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I), 55th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighteenth, the 107th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth, the 80th Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eleventh, the 89th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Fifth, the 72nd Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Nineteenth, the 113th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Ninth, the Eighty-First Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Seventeenth, the 105th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Youanis X, the 85th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Youannis the Second, the 30th Patriarch of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of Pope Youannis VII, 78th Patriarch

- Departure of Saint Aba-Hour

- Departure of Saint Abba Hor, the Monk

- Departure of Saint Abba Pijimi

- Departure of Saint Christodoulos

- Departure of Saints Agapius, Theodora, and Metruf

- Departure of Saints Bioukha and Tayaban (Banayen) the Priest

- Departure of Samuel the Prophet

- Departure of St. Abraam, the Sixty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Agatho the Stylite

- Departure of St. Agathon, the Thirty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Akakios, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Departure of St. Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St. Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Departure of St. Alexandra, the Empress

- Departure of St. Anastasia

- Departure of St. Anastasius, the Thirty-Sixth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Andronicus, the Thirty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Anianus, the Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Anthony the Great (Antonius)

- Departure of St. Archilidis (Arselidas)

- Departure of St. Athanasius and His Sister, Irene

- Departure of St. Athanasius the Apostolic, the 20th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Barsauma, the Father of the Syrian Monks

- Departure of St. Barsoma, the Naked

- Departure of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle

- Departure of St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea

- Departure of St. Benjamin, the Thirty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Bessarion, the Great

- Departure of St. Bishoy

- Departure of St. Celestine, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Cladianus (Celadion), the Ninth Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Cornelius the Centurion

- Departure of St. Cyriacus

- Departure of St. Dioscorus the Second, the Thirty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Dioscorus the Twenty-Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Elizabeth, the Mother of St. John the Baptist

- Departure of St. Ephraem El-Soriani (The Syrian)

- Departure of St. Eskani (St. Xene)

- Departure of St. Eumenius, the Seventh Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Euphrasia (Eupraxia), the virgin

- Departure of St. Felix, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Fournous, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St. Freig

- Departure of St. Gregorius (Gregory of Nyssa), the Brother of St. Basil the Great

- Departure of St. Gregory the Monk

- Departure of St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians

- Departure of St. Hannah

- Departure of St. Helena, The Empress

- Departure of St. Heraclas, the Thirteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Hilaria, the Daughter of Emperor Zeno

- Departure of St. Ibrahim the Anchorite

- Departure of St. Irene (Eirene)

- Departure of St. Isaiah, the hermit

- Departure of St. James the Monk

- Departure of St. James the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St. James, Bishop of Misre

- Departure of St. James, the Bishop of Nisibis

- Departure of St. Jason, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St. John Chrysostom

- Departure of St. John Kama

- Departure of St. John the Evangelist and Theologian

- Departure of St. John the Fourth, the Forty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. John the Soldier

- Departure of St. John, Archpriest of Scetis

- Departure of St. John, Bishop of Gaza

- Departure of St. John, of the Golden Gospel

- Departure of St. Kyrellos (Cyril), Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St. Kyrillos (Cyril) the First, the Twenty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Kyrillos V (Cyril), the 112th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Leparius, Bishop of Rome

- Departure of St. Macarius III, the 114th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Macarius of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Macarius the Great

- Departure of St. Macarius the Sixty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Malachi, the Prophet

- Departure of St. Martinus, Bishop of the Chity of Thrace

- Departure of St. Maruta (Marouta) the Bishop

- Departure of St. Mary Magdalene

- Departure of St. Mary of Egypt

- Departure of St. Matthew the Poor

- Departure of St. Mattias IV (Mattheos), the 102nd Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Maximus and St. Domatius

- Departure of St. Maximus, the Brother of St. Domadius

- Departure of St. Melyos, Pope of Alexandria, the Third

- Departure of St. Michael, Bishop of Naqadah

- Departure of St. Mina, Bishop of Tamai

- Departure of St. Moisis, Bishop of Ouseem

- Departure of St. Obadiah the Prophet

- Departure of St. Otimus, the Priest

- Departure of St. Pa

- Departure of St. Palamon, the Father of the Monks

- Departure of St. Paula El-Tamouhi

- Departure of St. Pelagia

- Departure of St. Peter Elrahawy, Bishop of Gaza

- Departure of St. Peter the Fifth, the 83rd Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Peter the Third the Twenty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Philip, One of the Seven Deacons

- Departure of St. Pisentius, Bishop of Qift

- Departure of St. Poemen the Confessor

- Departure of St. Poimen, the Hermit

- Departure of St. Samuel the Abbot of the Qualamon Monastery (Abba Samuel the Confessor)

- Departure of St. Sarah the nun

- Departure of St. Severianus, Bishop of Gabla

- Departure of St. Shenouda (Shenoute), the Archimandrite

- Departure of St. Silvanus the Monk

- Departure of St. Silvester, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Simeon the First, the 42nd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Simeon the Second, the Fifty-First Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Simon the Stylite

- Departure of St. Sisinnios (Sosenius), the Eunich

- Departure of St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian

- Departure of St. Thecla

- Departure of St. Theodora

- Departure of St. Theognosta

- Departure of St. Theopesti

- Departure of St. Theophilus, the Monk

- Departure of St. Thomas, Bishop of Mar

- Departure of St. Timothy II (Timotheos), the 26th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Timothy, Bishop of Ansena

- Departure of St. Timothy, the 22nd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Titus, the Apostle

- Departure of St. Yoannis XIV, the 96th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yoannis XV, the 99th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yusab the Fifty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yustus, the monk of St. Anthony

- Departure of St. Zacharias, the Monk

- Departure of St. Zacharias, the Sixty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Zosimus (Zocima)

- Departure of St.Abba Nofer the Anchorite

- Departure of St.Abba Noub the Confessor

- Departure of St.Abraam, bishop of El-Fayyoum

- Departure of St.Abracius

- Departure of St.Acacius, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Agapetus the Bishop

- Departure of St.Agrippinus, the Tenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Alexander I, 19th Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Alexandros the Second, the Forty-Third Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Ammonius the Hermit

- Departure of St.Andronicus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Apollo, the Companion of Anba Abib

- Departure of St.Arsanius, the Tutor of the Emperor's Children

- Departure of St.Basilius, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Cedron (Kardonos), the Fourth Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Cosma, the Fifty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Cosmas, the Fifty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Damianos, the 35th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat (Scetis)

- Departure of St.Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus

- Departure of St.Erastus, the Apostle

- Departure of St.Euphemia

- Departure of St.Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Eutychus

- Departure of St.Gabriel the Eighth, the 97th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Gabriel, the Fifty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Gelasius

- Departure of St.George (Ga'orgi), the Friend of St.Abraam

- Departure of St.Hadid the priest

- Departure of St.Hedra, Bishop of Aswan

- Departure of St.Hierotheos, of Athens

- Departure of St.Hosea the Prophet

- Departure of St.Isaac (Ishaq), of Hourin

- Departure of St.Isidore of Pelusium

- Departure of St.James of the East

- Departure of St.James, the Fiftieth Pope of Alexandria (St.Yacobus)

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of El-Borollos Who Gathered the Biographies of the Saints

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Julian, the Eleventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Junia, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Justus, the Sixth Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Konan

- Departure of St.Kyrillos the Second, the 67th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Latsoun El-Bahnasawy

- Departure of St.Longinus, the Abbot of El-Zugag Monastery

- Departure of St.Macrobius

- Departure of St.Malatius the Confessor, Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Marcian (Martinianus)

- Departure of St.Mark II, 49th Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Martha of Egypt

- Departure of St.Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In)

- Departure of St.Michael II, 53rd Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Narcissus

- Departure of St.Nicholas, Bishop of Mora

- Departure of St.Onesiphorous (Friska), One of the Seventy Apostles

- Departure of St.Pachomius (Pakhom), the Father of the Spiritual Communal Monastic Life (Cenobitic Life)

- Departure of St.Paphnotius (St.Paphnuti), the Bishop

- Departure of St.Paphnoute

- Departure of St.Peter the Fourth, the 34th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Peter the Worshipper

- Departure of St.Peter, the Twenty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Philogonus, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Prochorus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Severus, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Tadros (Theodore), the Disciple of St.Pachomius

- Departure of St.Thaddaeus, the Apostle

- Departure of St.Theodorus (Theodor), the Forty-Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Theodosius, the 33rd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Theodotus, the Bishop

- Departure of St.Theonas, the Sixteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Timothy the Anchorite

- Departure of St.Timothy the Third, the Thirty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Yoannis the 16th, the 103rd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Zacharias, Bishop of Sakha

- Departure of St.Zechariah the Prophet

- Departure of the Great Prophet Daniel

- Departure of the Great Prophet Joshua Son of Nun

- Departure of the Great Saint Abba John the Short

- Departure of the Great Saint Anba Paul, the First Hermit

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Isaac, the Forty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Maximus, the Fifteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Michael, the Seventy-First Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of the Holy Prophet Nahum

- Departure of the Honorable Father St. Theophilus, the Twenty-Third Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the most honored Layman Ibrahim El-Gohari

- Departure of the Prophet Habakkuk

- Departure of the Righteous Amos, the Prophet

- Departure of the righteous Emperor Constantine the Great

- Departure of The Righteous Gideon, One of the Judges of Israel

- Departure of the Righteous Hannah, the Prophetess and Mother of Samuel, the Prophet

- Departure of the Righteous Joachim, the Lord Christ Grandfather

- Departure of the righteous Job

- Departure of the Saint Anba Khail (Mikhail) the Fifty Sixth Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of the Saint Anba Khail (Mikhail), the Forty-Sixth Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of the Saints Apollo and Abib

- Departure of the Three Hebrew Young Men : Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael

- Departure of the Upright Haggai the Prophet

- Departure of the Upright St. Joseph, the Carpenter

- Deparure of St. Gregory, the Wonder Worker

- Discovery of the Relics of St. Abahour (Pihour), St. Bisoura (Pisoura), and Their Mother Ampera (Asra)

- Eclipse of the Sun in the year 958 of the Martyrs

- Enthronement of Pope Demitrius the Second, the 111th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple in Jerusalem

- Feast Day of the Appearance of the Honorable Cross

- Feast of El-Nayrouz (Beginning of the Blessed Coptic Year)

- Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ to the Temple

- Feast of the Glorified Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas)

- Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor

- Festival of the Honored Archangel Michael

- First Pontifical Liturgy is the New St. Mark Cathedral in the Monastery of Anba Rowais

- Great Earthquake in Cairo and Most of the Egyptian Cities

- Holy Epiphany of Our Lord, God and Savior

- Inauguration of the New St. Mark Cathedral in the Monastery of Anba Rowais

- Job and His Washing

- Martydom of the Fifty Virgins and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of 400 martyrs in Dandara (Denderah)

- Martyrdom of Anba Bisada the Priest

- Martyrdom of Daoud (David), the Monk

- Martyrdom of George (Girgis) the new martyr

- Martyrdom of John of Herakleia

- Martyrdom of One Hundred and Fifty Men and Twenty-Four Women from Ansena

- Martyrdom of Saint Ammonius, Bishop of Esna

- Martyrdom of Saint Anba Amoun and the Righteous Sophia

- Martyrdom of Saint Febronia the Ascetic

- Martyrdom of Saints Abadir and Irai, His Sister

- Martyrdom of Saints Abba Hour and his Mother Theodora

- Martyrdom of Saints Agathon, Peter, John, Ammon and Ammona and their Mother, Rebecca

- Martyrdom of Saints Anba Bshay (Ebshoy) and Anba Botros (Peter)

- Martyrdom of Saints Athanasius, the Bishop, Gerasimus (Jarasimus), and Theodotus

- Martyrdom of Saints Behnam and Sarah, His Sister

- Martyrdom of Saints Benjamin and his Sister Eudexia

- Martyrdom of Saints Bidaba, Bishop of Qift, Anba Andrew, and Anba Christodoulas

- Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of Saints Epimachus and Azarianus

- Martyrdom of Saints Harouadj, Ananias, and Khouzi

- Martyrdom of Saints John and Simon, his cousin

- Martyrdom of Saints Kobtlas and Aksu, his Sister, and Tatos, his Friend.

- Martyrdom of Saints Mercurius and Ephraem

- Martyrdom of Saints Onanius and Andrews

- Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, the Apostles

- Martyrdom of Saints Philemon and Apollonius

- Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape and Their Mother Sophia

- Martyrdom of Saints Simeon of Menouf, Abba Hor and Abba Mina the Elder

- Martyrdom of St. Abakragoun

- Martyrdom of St. Abba Hour El-Siriakousy

- Martyrdom of St. Abba Shenoute, during the Early Arab Rule

- Martyrdom of St. Agabius, the Soldier, and his Sister Thecla

- Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St. Ananias, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Anastasia

- Martyrdom of St. Anastasia

- Martyrdom of St. Anatolius

- Martyrdom of St. Anatolius

- Martyrdom of St. Anba Kaou

- Martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Brother of St. Peter

- Martyrdom of St. Andrianus

- Martyrdom of St. Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos

- Martyrdom of St. Antonius (Anthony) of Beba

- Martyrdom of St. Aoulimpas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Apamon (Abba Amoun)

- Martyrdom of St. Apamon of Toukh

- Martyrdom of St. Apanoub

- Martyrdom of St. Apoli, Son of Justus

- Martyrdom of St. Arbsima the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins

- Martyrdom of St. Ari, the Priest of Shatanouf

- Martyrdom of St. Arsenius, Slave of St. Sousnyous

- Martyrdom of St. Babnuda (Paphnute)

- Martyrdom of St. Bacchus, the companion of St. Sergius

- Martyrdom of St. Bandlaemon, the Physician

- Martyrdom of St. Baslantya

- Martyrdom of St. Bropharius

- Martyrdom of St. Christopher

- Martyrdom of St. Clement

- Martyrdom of St. Clement, Pope of Rome

- Martyrdom of St. Colluthus of Antinoe (Known as Abu Colta)

- Martyrdom of St. Cyprianus and St. Justina

- Martyrdom of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta, his Mother

- Martyrdom of St. Damian in Antioch

- Martyrdom of St. Daysa the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Demetrius the Thessalonican

- Martyrdom of St. Demiana

- Martyrdom of St. Dimides

- Martyrdom of St. Dionysius the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St. Dioscorus

- Martyrdom of St. Domadius El-Souriani (The Syrian)

- Martyrdom of St. Epime (Pimanon)

- Martyrdom of St. Eudaemon, of Armant (El-Armanti)

- Martyrdom of St. Euphemia

- Martyrdom of St. Eusebius, Son of Basilides the Minister

- Martyrdom of St. Eusegnius (Eugenius) the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Eustathius and his Two Sons

- Martyrdom of St. George (Girgis) known as El-Mezahem

- Martyrdom of St. George the Alexandrian

- Martyrdom of St. George, Prince of Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Hadid

- Martyrdom of St. Helias of Hnes

- Martyrdom of St. Hilaria

- Martyrdom of St. Horesius (Harsios) of Soul

- Martyrdom of St. Isaac El-Defrawi

- Martyrdom of St. Isidore

- Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, the Brother of St. John the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. James the Mangled (Sawn)

- Martyrdom of St. James, the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Jeremiah the Prophet

- Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist

- Martyrdom of St. John the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Julietta

- Martyrdom of St. Julius El-Akfehas, the Writer of the Biography of Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Lawindianus (Leontius)

- Martyrdom of St. Longinus the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Luke the Evangelist

- Martyrdom of St. Macarius

- Martyrdom of St. Malachias of Palestine

- Martyrdom of St. Malatini the Virgin

- Martyrdom of St. Mari-Mina the Wonder Worker

- Martyrdom of St. Marina, of Antioch

- Martyrdom of St. Mary, the Armenian

- Martyrdom of St. Matra

- Martyrdom of St. Matrounah

- Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Evangelist

- Martyrdom of St. Maurice leader of the Theban Legion

- Martyrdom of St. Mercurius known as the Saint with Two Swords

- Martyrdom of St. Metra

- Martyrdom of St. Moses (Moisees) and his Sister Sarah

- Martyrdom of St. Pantaleemon, the Physician

- Martyrdom of St. Paul the Syrian

- Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Martyrdom of St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Philip the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Philotheus

- Martyrdom of St. Pigebs (Bekhebs)

- Martyrdom of St. Piroou and St. Athom

- Martyrdom of St. Pisoura the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St. Procopius (Proconius) of Jerusalem

- Martyrdom of St. Qozman El-Tahawy and his companions

- Martyrdom of St. Quadratus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St. Quarshenoufa (Warshenofius)

- Martyrdom of St. Quona and St.Mina

- Martyrdom of St. Sarabamon, Bishop of Nakiyos

- Martyrdom of St. Sergius, the companion of St. Bacchus

- Martyrdom of St. Simeon the Armenian, Bishop of Persia and 150 with him

- Martyrdom of St. Simon Cleophas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Sophia

- Martyrdom of St. Stephen the Archdeacon

- Martyrdom of St. Theodore, Bishop of Corinth, and his companions

- Martyrdom of St. Theodore, Bishop of Pentapolis

- Martyrdom of St. Theodosia and her companions

- Martyrdom of St. Theophilus and His Wife in Fayyum

- Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Shentalet

- Martyrdom of St. Thomas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Timon the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Timothy and the Relocation of the Body of St.Theodore, the Prince of Setb

- Martyrdom of St. Timothy the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Victor (Boctor)

- Martyrdom of St. Wasilides

- Martyrdom of St. Yostus, the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Abaskhiroun the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.Abe-Fam the Soldier (St.Phoebammon)

- Martyrdom of St.Alexandrus

- Martyrdom of St.Alladius the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Anba Bisadi (Psote) the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Archippus, St.Philemon and St.Lycia the Virgin

- Martyrdom of St.Arianus, the Governor of Ansena

- Martyrdom of St.Aristobulus, the apostle

- Martyrdom of St.Askala (Asela) the Fighter

- Martyrdom of St.Balanah, the Priest

- Martyrdom of St.Barnabas, One of the Seventy Apostles

- Martyrdom of St.Barsanuphius

- Martyrdom of St.Basil (Basilaos) The Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Bishai Anoub

- Martyrdom of St.Boctor Ebn Romanus

- Martyrdom of St.Callinacus, Bishop of Oseem

- Martyrdom of St.Claudius

- Martyrdom of St.Dabamon

- Martyrdom of St.Domicos

- Martyrdom of St.Epimachus (Ephimachus) of Pelusium

- Martyrdom of St.Fabian (Fabrianus), Pope of Rome

- Martyrdom of St.Glathinos in Damascus

- Martyrdom of St.Haboulyous (Hanulius) the prince.

- Martyrdom of St.Hepatius, Bishop of Gangra

- Martyrdom of St.Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, in Rome

- Martyrdom of St.Ignatius, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Martyrdom of St.Isidore, Friend of Sina the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.James the Apostle, the Son of Alphaeus

- Martyrdom of St.John of Senhout

- Martyrdom of St.Jude, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St.Julian (Yulianus) and his mother in Alexandria

- Martyrdom of St.Justus, the Son of Emperor Numerian

- Martyrdom of St.Lucilianus and four others with him

- Martyrdom of St.Macrobius (Makrawy) the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Mary the Israelite

- Martyrdom of St.Matthias, the apostle

- Martyrdom of St.Millius, the Ascetic

- Martyrdom of St.Mina the Monk

- Martyrdom of St.Nehrou

- Martyrdom of St.Onesimus, the Disciple of St.Paul

- Martyrdom of St.Peter the priest

- Martyrdom of St.Philo, the Bishop of the Persians

- Martyrdom of St.Philothaos

- Martyrdom of St.Pishay (Abshai), the Antiochian

- Martyrdom of St.Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna

- Martyrdom of St.Porphyry

- Martyrdom of St.Sarah, and her two sons

- Martyrdom of St.Sarapion

- Martyrdom of St.Sedhom Bishay in Domiat

- Martyrdom of St.Sergius of Atripe and His Father, Mother, Sister, and Many Others with Them

- Martyrdom of St.Shenouda (Sinouti) El Bahnasawy

- Martyrdom of St.Shenousi (Sanusi)

- Martyrdom of St.Simon the Zealot, the Apostle known as (Simon the Canaanite)

- Martyrdom of St.Sina, the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.Sousenyos

- Martyrdom of St.Theoclia, the wife of St.Justus

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore El-Mishreke (Of the East)

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore of Shotep

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore the Monk

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore the Roman

- Martyrdom of St.Timothy and St.Matthias

- Martyrdom of St.Timothy of Memphis (El-Masry)

- Martyrdom of St.Zadok and the One Hundred and Twenty-Eight who were with him

- Martyrdom of the blessed Youhanna (John) Abu Nagaah El-Kabeer

- Martyrdom of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia

- Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat (Scetis)

- Martyrdom of the Great Saint Anba Moses the Black

- Martyrdom of the Great Saint Mark, the Apostle, the Evangelist of the Land of Egypt

- Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins : Agape, Eirene, and Shiona

- Martyrdom of the Monk St. Bashnouna El-Maqari

- Martyrdom of the One Hundred and Fifty believers by the hand of the King of Persia

- Martyrdom of the Righteous Father Abba Hilarion

- Martyrdom of the Righteous Father St. Macarius the Bishop of Edkow

- Martyrdom of the Saint Abba Isaac

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abakir, John, the Three Virgins and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abba Hor, Tosia and her children, and Abba Agatho the Anchorite

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abrianus, Amrata his wife, Eusebius, Armanius, and the Forty Martyrs

- Martyrdom of the Saints Apakir, John, Ptolemy, and Philip

- Martyrdom of the Saints Eugenius, Agathodorus and Elpidius

- Martyrdom of the Saints John and James, Bishops of Persia

- Martyrdom of the Saints Joshua and Joseph

- Martyrdom of the Saints Lazarus, Salomi, His Wife and their Children

- Martyrdom of the Saints Marcianus and Mercurius

- Martyrdom of the Saints Maximus, Nometius, Boctor, and Philopus

- Martyrdom of the Saints Paul, Longinus and Deenah (Zaina)

- Martyrdom of the Saints Thecla and Mouji

- Martyrdom of the Saints Victor, Decius, Eirene the Virgin, and those with them men, women, and virgins

- Martyrdom of the Saints: Barbara and Juliana

- Martyrdom of the Saints: Esi and His Sister Thecla

- Martyrdom of the Seven Ascetic Saints in Tounar Mount

- Martyrdom of the Seven Young Men of Ephesus

- Martyrdom of the Two Saints Atrasis and Yoana

- Martyrdom of the Vizier Abu Elaala Fahd Ibn Ibrahim and his companions

- Martyrdom of Thirty-Thousand Christians in Alexandria

- Martyrdom of Zacharias the Prophet

- Nativity of St. John, the Baptist

- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Paramone of Holy Theophany (Epiphany)

- Raid of the Arabs of Upper Egypt on the Wilderness of Scetis

- Raising of Lazarus from the dead

- Re-Opening of St. Mary's Church in Haret El-Rum

- Recovery of the Holy Relics of St. George, the Great Martyr

- Reign of the Righteous Emperor Constantine, the Great

- Relocation of the Body of Saint Abba Severus, Archbishop of the City of Antioch

- Relocation of the Body of St. Simon (Simeon) the Stylite to the city of Antioch

- Relocation of the Relics of St.Mercurius to Cairo

- Relocation of the Relics of St.Timothy the Apostle

- Return of the Great Saints Anba Macarius the Great and Anba Macarius of Alexandria from Exile

- Return of the Relics of the Great St. Mark to the New St. Mark Cathedral

- The Angels Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias

- The Martyrdom of the Sts. Alexander, Agabius, Alexander, Timol (Timolaos), Dionysius, Romulus, and Blesius (Valesius).

- Transfer of Relics of St. Aklimos and His Companions

- Transfer of the Body of St. Stephen the Archdeacon

- Transfer of the Relics of St. Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth)

- Translocation of the Body of St. Macarius to His Monastery in Scetis

- Turning Over the Relics of the Great St. Mark the Apostle by the hand of Pope Paul the Sixth, Pope of Rome

August 1, 2025 - Epep 25, 1741

Departure of St. Palamon, the Father of the Monks

On this day also, of the year 316 A.M., the saint Anba Palamon the anchorite, departed. He was an anchorite in the Eastern Mount in a town called El-Kasre and El-Sayad, district of Nagaa-Hammady, governorate of Quena. The Devil was weary of tempting this father, and failed to overcome him. The Devil took every chance to direct his snares against him. One day, the man of God Anba Palamon rose up, took the work of his hand, and walked toward the countryside of Egypt. While he was walking in his way, he was weeping for his sins. The enemy of the good led him astray in the mountain, for seven days, until he was close to death from hunger and thirst, for it was summer. Finally, he collapsed, fell on the ground, wishing to die. God, the lover of mankind, wished not to leave His servant Anba Palamon fall prey to the devil, so He ordered the devil to leave him. When the old man realized that, he cried saying, O Lord Jesus Christ help me. Instantly he heard a voice saying to him, Do not be afraid, for the enemy can not overcome you. Rise and walk a short distance to the south. You shall find a righteous old monk whose name is Talasoun. Tell him about all that the devil has brought on you, and the grievous sin that he tempted you with in your young age. He will pray on your behalf so that your sins will be forgiven. The blessed Anba Palamon rose up, carried the works of his hands, and walked in the mount reciting Psalm fifty four, Save me, O God, by Your name, And vindicate me by Your strength. Hear my prayer, O God; Give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers have risen up against me, And oppressors have sought after my life; They have not set God before them. Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is with those who uphold my life. He will repay my enemies for their evil. Cut them off in Your truth. I will freely sacrifice to You; I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good. For He has delivered me out of all trouble; And my eye has seen its desire upon my enemies. He also recited Psalms 68, Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away, So drive them away; As wax melts before the fire, So let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly. He did not cease praying until God guided him to the place of Anba Talasoun.

When Anba Talasoun saw him, he rejoiced exceedingly, greeted him, held his hand and pulled him up the rock where he lived. They prayed, then sat down talking about the greatness of God. Anba Talasoun asked Anba Palamon about how he found his way to come to visit him in this wilderness. Then Anba Palamon started crying and kneeled, saying, Please forgive me O my beloved holy father. Anba Talasoun said, The Lord Jesus Christ forgives to all of us all our transgressions. Anba Palamon replied saying, I am ashamed to tell you, O my holy father, about the enormous sin that befell me by the Devil without knowing. Anba Talasoun told him, It is written 'Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed.' When Anba Palamon saw that the blessed Anba Talasoun was comforting and encouraging him, he started to tell him, While I was living in the monastery, I asked God to forgive me my sins. I also read in the holy books of the fathers which are inspired by the Spirit of God, that solitary life brings forth the fear of God, and God despises mockery and laughing for no reason. So I decided to live a solitary life in my small home, to not talk to anyone, and never to laugh, but to cry on my sins by day and night. The Devil often fought against me. He tried to please my heart with laughter but I did not heed him, and I never cursed. I fought for a long time through these tribulations, steadfast in the salvation of our Lord Christ until the enemy was wrath with me. One day I took the work of my hands, walked in the mount to go to sell it and buy a little of bread. After I was at a considerable distance from my abode, the Devil captivated me, and right away I lost my mind. He removed the Name of God from my mouth and I was no longer reciting the Divine sayings. The mount changed entirely before me, the sandy earth became black. When I looked before me I saw a new city, had splendid buildings, magnificent houses, rich palaces, and the city had shining armored gat which was fortified as a city of a king, surrounded by trees and gardens. When I saw it, I wondered about this city and its great distinction.

When I inclined to enter the city thinking that its people might buy from me the work of my hands. As I came close to the walls of the city, I found a turning water wheel (sakieh), and I saw a sorrowful woman. Her face was very gloomy. Her clothes were torn and her veil covered her eyes for the sake of decency. She was standing beside the well, running the water wheel and watering the vines. When she saw me, she sat down, covered her head and said, 'Bless me O my holy father.' In hast she put down the baskets before me then said, 'Sit down and rest O my beloved father for you had become tired from what you have carried.' She sat me down beside running water, she took water in her hands, poured it on my feet, and washed them as someone taking blessings. She acted as a woman of a rich man. I asked her, 'O faithful woman, tell me, if I enter this city with the work of my hands would I find one who would buy it from me?' She said, 'Yes, they would buy it from you. Nevertheless, leave it and I will buy it from you, and I will give you all that you need. For I was married to a rich man who died recently and left me much money and herds of cattle. I pick the fruits of these enormous vines, and I do not have anyone to oversee it. I wish to have a man like you, to whom I can hand all my possessions, to handle the way he sees fit. So if you accept, O my holy father, to come and oversee my house and to take charge of all my possessions, I will take you as a husband.' I replied, 'If the monk gets married, shame and disgrace follow him.' Then the woman told me, 'If you do not take me as a wife, be an overseer for my possessions. You supervise it during the day, for I own fields, cattle, barns, vineyards, slaves and maiden servants, and when the night falls you shall fulfill your prayers.' Then she rose up, and took me to her house. She prepared a table of different kinds of foods and placed it before me.

Afterwards, she went to her room, and put on expensive and extravagant clothes, then came and embraced me. I was surprised and I held fast to the power of God almighty, and crossed myself with the sign of the cross. All that I saw immediately vanished as the smoke before the winds, and nothing of what this woman did remained. Instantly, I realized that all of this was the doing of the Devil who wished to make me fall in sin. I cried bitterly, and regretted much what I had done. The Lord had compassion on me with His tender mercy, and sent me His angel who comforted me, and promised the forgiveness of my sins and told me, 'Go to the saint Anba Talasoun who is nearby you, and confess to him your sins. Tell him that you have come to him so that the Lord may forgive your sins through his prayers.' The saint Anba Talasoun prayed saying, O my son may the Lord forgive you and myself. Subsequently, a table came down from heaven, they ate, then Anba Palamon returned to his place of worship in peace. This Saint received the gift of healing from God. The beasts were friendly to him, he fed them by his hands, and they licked his feet. He lived naked, so God lengthened his hair until it covered his whole body. He fasted the whole week, only ate on Saturday and Sunday. He ate a half loaf of bread that God sent him with the raven. Often he ate from the vegetation of the mount. He was merciful, compassionate, and tender like His creator. When the night fell, he went down from his place of worship, to visit the prisoners, orphans, widowers, those in trouble, and the sojourners, as his strength allowed him, to help them from the price of the works of his hands. St. Palamon was fervent in his asceticism and worship. He persevered, all the days of his life, in the daily and nightly prayers, and watching all night in ascetic worships. St. Pachomius, the father of the monastic cenobite, was the disciple of this saint.

When St. Pachomius rejected paganism and adopted Christianity, he wished to live a life of asceticism and worship, so the priest of his hometown directed him to go to the great hermit Anba Palamon. Pachomius handed the care for the poor and the needy in his town to another elder monk, and went to Anba Palamon. When he arrived, he knocked the door of his cell. The old man looked from an aperture and asked him, Who are you O brother? and what do you want? Pachomius answered hastily, I, O blessed father, looking for the Christ the God Whom you do worship, and I beg your fatherhood to accept me and to make me a monk. Abba Palamon told him, O my son, monasticism is not an unrestricted labor, and the man does not come into it as he pleases, for many had adopted it not knowing its hardships, and when they adopted it they could not endure it, and you have heard about it without knowing its contention. Pachomius replied, Do not turn my request, and my desire, and do not put off the flame of my zeal. Accept me, be patient with me, and examine me, and afterward do whatever you see fit with me. The old man told him, Go, O my son test your self alone for a period of time, then come back to me for I am willing to labor with you as much as my weakness allows so you might know your own self. The monastic piety needs toughness and asceticism, and I will teach you first its extent. Then you go and examine your self if you could endure the matter or not. My intent in that, God knows, is for the sake of your teaching and discipline and not for any other reason. When we, O my beloved son, knew the vanity and trickery of this world, we came to this distant place, and carried on our shoulders the cross of our Christ, not the wooden rod, but the overcoming of the flesh, subduing its lusts, and wasting its power. We spent the night praying and glorifying God. Often we vigil from sun set till the morning praying and working much with our hands, making either ropes, braid palm fibers, weave palm leaves or hair to resist sleep and to have what our bodies need and to feed the poor as the apostle said, 'remember the needy.' We entirely do not know the eating of oil, cooked food or drinking liquors. We fast till the evening of the summer days, and two days at a time during the winter then we break the fast by eating only bread and salt. We keep away the boredom by remembering death, and how close it is. We refute every pride and exaltation and guard ourselves from evil thoughts by humility and piety. By this ascetic strive that is accomplished by the grace of God, we offer our souls a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, not only once but many times. For according to the strive and how much we exert ourselves in it, we realize spiritual gifts, remembering the saying of the Lord, Those overcame themselves, seize the Kingdom of Heaven.

When Pachomius heard from Abba Palamon these sayings that he never heard before, he was more assured by the spirit, and was encouraged on facing the hardships and endure the pains. He replied saying, I am confident in the Lord Christ first, and by the support of your prayers second, I would be able to fulfill all the precepts, and persevere with you till death. Pachomius then kneeled before him and kissed his hand. The old man preached him and instructed him about the importance of mortifying the flesh, the humility and contrition of the heart. He told him, If you kept what I told you, did not go back, or vacillate between two opinions, we will rejoice with you. Then he told him, Do you think my son that by all what I mentioned to you from asceticism, praying, watching and fasting we ask for the glory of men, no my son, it is not like that. We lead you to the works of salvation so we would be blameless, for it is written every apparent thing is light, and we must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of heaven. Now go back to your abode so you might examine your self and test her for few days for what you are asking is not an easy task. Pachomius answered him saying, I have examined myself in every thing, and I hope with the Grace of God and your holy prayers, that your heart would be pleased toward me. The old man answered, Well. Anba Palamon accepted him with joy, then left him for ten days testing him in prayer, watching and fasting. Three month later and after he tested his patience, endurance, strife and will, he prayed over him, clipped off his hair, and put on him the garb of the monks (El-Eskeem) in year 304 A.D. They persevered together on asceticism and prayer as they worked in their spare times in weaving hair and knitting clothes to gain their bare necessities, and what they spared they gave to the needy. Whenever they were vigilance and the sleep overcame them, they went out their cells and moved sand from one place to another to exhaust their bodies and remove the sleep away from them. The old man went on preaching the young man and encouraging him saying, Be courageous O Pachomius, let your devotion to God always be flamed with the fire of love, and be before Him, in fear, humility, and persevering in praying and kneeling without boredom. Be watchful lest the tempter examine you and grief you.

It came in the biography of St. Pachomius in a manuscript in the monastery of El-Baramous the following: One day someone knocked on the door of Sts. Palamon and Pachomius to visit them, and he spent the night with them. The pride and self-reliance had overcome that person. While they were talking about the words of God and before them was fire, for it was winter, the guest told them, Whoever of you has strong faith in God, let him rise up, stand on this blazing embers, and recite the prayer which the Lord had taught to His disciples. When the old man St. Palamon heard that, he admonished him saying, Cursed is the defiled devil who planted this thought in your heart. so stop talking. The guest did not head to the words of the old man and said, I, I would. He rose up and stood on the blazing coal while saying the Lord's prayer slowly. Then he stepped out the fire which did not touch his body with any harm, and went to his abode with arrogance. Pachomius told Anba Palamon, God knows that I marveled about this brother who stood on the amber and his feet did not burn. The old man replied saying, Do not be amazed for there is no doubt that this from the work of the Devil. The Lord had allowed his feet not to be burned as it is written to the crooked, God sends crooked ways. Believe me O my son, if you know the torment that is prepared for him, you will be weeping for his wretchedness. The Devil came to this man in the form of a woman and enticed him to allow her to enter his cell. Because of the pride and the blindness of his perception, he did not realize the danger that surrounded him. The lust filled his heart toward her, and immediately the devil struck and threw him on the ground and he remained as a dead man for a day. When he regained his conscious and his faculties, he went to Abba Palamon weeping and remorseful for what he had done. He asked for their help and prayers for the devil had captivated him by his own free will. While he was talking to them, the old man and his disciple were weeping, the evil spirit suddenly came over him. He went to the mountain, and he lost his mind. He was astray for a period of time, then he threw himself in a fire which burned him. When the old man knew that, he was grieved. His disciple asked him, How God allowed this to happen to him after he confessed and asked for repentance with tears and remorse. The Abba answered, God with His foreknowledge knew that the repentance of this brother was not sincere, so He allowed him to reap what he did.

While St. Pachomius was still staying with his teacher Anba Palamon, one day he was wondering in the wilderness, and he came to the village of Tabanseen. When he was praying, the angel of the Lord appeared and told him, O Pachomius, with the order of the Lord, build a monastery in the spot that your are standing on, hence many will come to you seeking monasticism. He returned to the old man Anba Palamon and told him what the angel had told him, and his intention of fulfilling the Will of God. Anba Palamon was sad for the departure of his disciple and said, How could you leave me after seven years you spent with me in obedience and submission and I am an old man. I see that it is easier on me to accompany you than you leaving me. They moved south until they came to Tabanseen, and started to build a monastery. That was in the year 311 A.D., and Pachomius was thirty years old. When they finished building the monastery, Anba Palamon told his disciple Pachomius, My beloved son I long to return to my cell and the place of my solitude. I had known that God had appointed you to establish this monastery, which will grow and be filled with God pleasing monks. You shall receive power and long suffering to manage them. As of my self, I have became old, weak, and the time of my departure had drew near. So I see that my solitary life is best for me. Nevertheless, I ask from your kindness that you do not deprive me from seeing you from now and then. I shall come to visit you as the few days left for me allow. They were separated after they prayed with each other, and they visited each other. In one of the visits of Anba Palamon, he became ill and departed to the Lord that he served and loved since his young age. Anba Pachomius took the blessings of his teacher, shrouded and buried him. Many wonders and miracles have been attributed to this saint. An ancient church in his name is located in the town of El-Kasre and El-Sayad in a monastery named after him which had other churches in the name of the Virgin St. Mary, the Archangel Michael, St. Mercurius Abu-Saifain, and St. Demianah. A great festival celebration is celebrated annually in his feast day. May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.