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11 of Baba, 1741

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The Feast of Virgin Mary
21st of Every Coptic Month

Intercede on our behalf, O lady of us all the Mother of God, Mary the mother of our Saviour, that he may forgive us our sins.

Ari`precbeuin `e`\rhi `ejwn> `w ten_ `nnhb thren ;qe`otokoc> Mari`a `qmau `mpencwthr> `ntefxa nennobi nan `ebol.

The Virgin Mary

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On This Day

-Departure of St. James the Patriarch of Antioch
On this day was the departure of the holy father Abba James, the patriarch of Antioch. Great tribulations befell him, Read more ...
-Departure of St. Pelagia
On this day also departed St. Pelagia. This righteous woman was born in the city of Antioch from pagan parents, and she Read more ...