Home > Historical
 | ANBA ABRAAM: The Friend of the Poor by: Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty
This book, which is in your hands, is not merely a collection
of stories and narrations about our father, "Anba
Abraam," but it is an attempt to reveal the life he had lived
in his innermost soul. Read more. Rating: None
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 | Life of Saint Antony by: St. Athanasius
The life and conversation of our holy Father, Antony: written and sent to the monks in foreign parts by our Father among the Saints, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Hermit Fathers by: Fr. Samaan El-Souriany
This book is an account of the virtuous asceticism and admirable way of life of the holy and blessed wilderness fathers. Read more. Rating: None
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 | The Paradise of the Holy Fathers Volume I edited by: Ernest A. Wallis Budge
The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers being histories of the anchorites recluses monks coenobites and ascetic fathers of the deserts of Egypt between A. Read more. Rating: None
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