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11 of Baba, 1741

Gregorian Calender

List of names



- A Thanksgiving to God

- Abba Kyrillos the Sixth, the 116th Pope of Alexandria

- Annunciation of St. Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary

- Apparition of the Pure Lady the Virgin in the church of Zeitoun

- Appearance of the Body of St. Apolidus, the Pope of Rome

- Appearance of the Head of St. John the Baptist

- Appearance of the Head of St. Longinus the Soldier

- Arrival of the Holy Relic of St. John, the Short, to the Wilderness of Scetis

- Ascension of Elijah the Prophet

- Assembly of a Council at Rome because of Epiphany of Fasting

- Assembly of a Council in Antioch for Paul of Samosat

- Assembly of a Council in Rome against Benates (or Novatus) the Priest

- Assembly of the Holy Council on the island of Bani-Omar

- Assembly of the Third General Council at Ephesus for Trying Nestor, Archbishop of Constantinople

- Assembly of the Universal Holy Council at Nicea

- Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. Mary

- Beginning of the Advent Fasting in the Coptic Church

- Birth of St. Takla-Haymanot, the Ethiopian

- Coming of St. Severus the Patriarch of Antioch to Egypt

- Commemoration Feast of the Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Anba Marcura

- Commemoration of Anba Sarapamon, known as The Veiled Bishop of El-Monofia

- Commemoration of Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of Dionisa (Denisa) the Deaconess and Medius the Martyr

- Commemoration of Saints Babnuda (Paphnute) the hermit, Theodore the worshipper, and the 100 Martyrs

- Commemoration of Samson, One of the Judges of Israel

- Commemoration of Simon the Bishop

- Commemoration of St. Antonios, Bishop of Tamoui

- Commemoration of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa

- Commemoration of St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians

- Commemoration of St. Heracleas the Martyr and St.Philemon the Priest

- Commemoration of St. John the Evangelist

- Commemoration of St. Juliana the Martyr

- Commemoration of St. Mary the Virgin

- Commemoration of St. Passin and Her Children

- Commemoration of St. Seriakos (Syriacus) the Fighter

- Commemoration of St.Cleopas the Apostle and His Companion

- Commemoration of St.John the Confessor

- Commemoration of St.Mina the Deacon

- Commemoration of St.Tamada and her children, and Armenius and his mother

- Commemoration of Stephen the Priest and Niceta the Martyr

- Commemoration of the Angel Raphael, the Archangel

- Commemoration of the Appearance of a Cross of light above Golgotha

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Glorious Cross

- Commemoration of the Appearance of the Lord to Thomas the Apostle after His Resurrection

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel the Announcer

- Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel, the Announcer of Daniel the Prophet

- Commemoration of the Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Archangel Suriel

- Commemoration of the Church of the Virgin Lady known as El-Mahammah

- Commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord Christ

- Commemoration of the Closing of the Pagan Temples and Opening of the Churches

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Altar of the Forty Martyrs in Alexandria

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of Anba Sarabamoun, Bishop of Nikios

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Agabus, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Demiana

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Julius El-Akfehas

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Mark the Evangelist and the Appearance of His Holy Body

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St.Boctor (Victor) in the region of Sho

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St.John, the Owner of the Golden Gospel, 

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the first altar for St. Nicholas, Bishop of Mora for Jacobite Christians

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the First Church, Built after the Name of St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs

- Commemoration of the Consecration of the Sanctuaries of the Resurrection

- Commemoration of the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

- Commemoration of the Departure of Abba Isaac, the Priest of El-Qalali (Cells)

- Commemoration of the Departure of St. Mary know as Marina, the Ascetic

- Commemoration of the Departure of St.Luke the Stylite and the Relocation of His Sacred Relics

- Commemoration of the Entry of the Lord Christ to Egypt

- Commemoration of the feast of Pentecost

- Commemoration of the First Church for The Virgin Mary in the City of Philippi

- Commemoration of the Four Incorporeal Beasts

- Commemoration of the Great Prophet Ezekiel, the son of Buzi

- Commemoration of the Great Sign, the Lord had Manifested During the Papacy of St. Theophilus

- Commemoration of the Holy and Pure Virgin Mary

- Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs Alphaeus, Zacchaeus, Romanus and John

- Commemoration of the Honorable Angel Michael the Archangel

- Commemoration of the Honorable Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Honorable Archangel Michael

- Commemoration of the Lady the Theotokos

- Commemoration of the Lady, the Virgin Mary

- Commemoration of the Life giving Annunciation

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Anba Behna (Bahnou) and Anba Kloag (Bagoug), the Priest

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Master (Moallem) Malati

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Archelaus and the Martyrdom of Elisha the Hegumen

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Leontius of Tripoli (Lawendius)

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Macarius, the Son of Basilides (Wasilides) the Minister

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Takla

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St.Eudexia (Eutychia)

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St.Isidorus (Isidore) of Antioch

- Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Saints Balaryanos and His Brother Thiborinos

- Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee

- Commemoration of the Miracle made by St. Basilius, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia

- Commemoration of the Miracle that God performed to St. Athanasius the Apostolic

- Commemoration of the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

- Commemoration of the Preaching of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Relics of St.Titus to Constantinople

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Body of Lazarus

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Body of St. Epiphanius

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of Saints Apakir and John

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of St.Martianus the Monk

- Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of the Forty-Nine Elders of the Wilderness of Shiheet

- Commemoration of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ from the dead

- Commemoration of the revealing virginity of St. Demetrius, the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria

- Commemoration of the Saints Anba Bishay and Anba Abanoub

- Commemoration of the Saints Basil, Theodore and Timothy, the Martyrs

- Commemoration of the Saints George the Ascetic, Belasius the Martyr, and Anba Joseph the bishop

- Commemoration of the Saints Karbu and Apollos and Peter

- Commemoration of the Saints Thomas, Victor and Isaac, of the city of Ashmunen

- Commemoration of the Seven Martyrs on the Mountain of St. Antonius

- Commemoration of the Slain Children of Bethlehem by the order of King Herod

- Commemoration of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin St.Mary

- Commemoration of the Transfer of St.John's Relics

- Commemoration of the Transfer of the Relics of St. James, known as the Mangled

- Commemoration of the Translocation of the Relics of St. Andrew, the Apostle

- Commemoration of the Twenty-Four Priests

- Commemoration of the Universal Ecclesiastical Council in Constantinople

- Commemoration of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Virgin St. Mary, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the Virgin St.Mary

- Commemoration of the Virgin, the Mother of God

- Commemoration of the visit of Our Lord Christ to Bethany

- Commemoration of the Wonder that took place with Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I) the Fifty-Fifth Patriarch

- Commemorative Feast of Michael the Archangel

- Confession of St. Peter, the Apostle, that Christ is the Son of the Living God

- Consecration of St. Macarius

- Consecration of the Church of Archangel Gabriel

- Consecration of the Church of Mari Mina at Maryut

- Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

- Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Mother, and Brothers

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abba Fam

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abe-Fam (Epipham) the soldier

- Consecration of the Church of St. Abu-Nofer

- Consecration of the Church of St. George of Cappadocia

- Consecration of the Church of St. Leontius of Tripoli

- Consecration of the Church of St. Mercurius

- Consecration of the Church of St. Sergius and St. Bacchus

- Consecration of the Church of St.James, the Persian

- Consecration of the Church of St.Marina

- Consecration of the Church of St.Misael, the Anchorite

- Consecration of the Church of the Great St.Anthony (Antonios)

- Consecration of the Church of the Saint, Anba Shenouda

- Consecration of the Churches of Prince Theodore, the Son of John, and Prince Theodore El-Mishreke

- Consecration of the First Church Dedicated for the Forty Martyrs from Sebaste

- Consecration of the Virgin's Church in the Mouharaque Monastery in Kuesquam Mountain

- Construction of the first church of St.George in the cities of Birma and Beer Maa (Water Well) in the Oases

- Consultation of the Chief Priests to put the righteous Lazarus to death, whom the Lord raised from the dead

- Council of Bishops took place in Alexandria

- Departure of Aaron the Priest

- Departure of Abba Abraam, Companion of Abba Gawarga

- Departure of Abba Demetrius the First, the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Abba Dionysius, the Fourteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Gabriel VII, the 95th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Isaac, the Disciple of Anba Apollo

- Departure of Anba Kyrellos (Cyril) the Seventy Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Macarius, the Fifty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Anba Serapamon, Archpriest of Abba Yehnis (John) monastery

- Departure of Anba Yusab, Bishop of Girga, Known as El-Abbah

- Departure of Cyrus (Karas), brother of Emperor Theodosius

- Departure of David, the Prophet and King

- Departure of Elisha the Prophet

- Departure of Father Paphnute of El-Bandarah

- Departure of Hezekiah the King

- Departure of Isaiah the Prophet

- Departure of Joel the Prophet

- Departure of Jonah the Great Prophet

- Departure of Lazarus the beloved of the Lord

- Departure of Lazarus, the beloved of the Lord

- Departure of Marcianus, the Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Micah, the Prophet

- Departure of Moses the Prophet

- Departure of Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Departure of Pope Abriamus (Primus), the Fifth Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Archelaus, the Eighteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Athanasius the Second, the Twenty-Eighth Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Cosmas, the 44th Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Gabriel II, the Seventy Pope of Alexandria, who was known as Ibn Turaik

- Departure of Pope Gabriel IV, the 86th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope John (Youhanna) the First, the 29th Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) the Fourth, the One Hundred and Tenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mark the Seventh, the 106th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mark, (Marcus) VI, the 101st Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Mattheos the Second, Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of Pope Mattheos, the One Hundredth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Mikhail the First, the 68th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Peter (Petros) VII, the One Hundred and Ninth Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Peter VI, the One Hundred and Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I), 55th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighteenth, the 107th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth, the 80th Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eleventh, the 89th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Fifth, the 72nd Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Nineteenth, the 113th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Ninth, the Eighty-First Patriarch

- Departure of Pope Yoannis the Seventeenth, the 105th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Youanis X, the 85th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of Pope Youannis the Second, the 30th Patriarch of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of Pope Youannis VII, 78th Patriarch

- Departure of Saint Aba-Hour

- Departure of Saint Abba Hor, the Monk

- Departure of Saint Abba Pijimi

- Departure of Saint Christodoulos

- Departure of Saints Agapius, Theodora, and Metruf

- Departure of Saints Bioukha and Tayaban (Banayen) the Priest

- Departure of Samuel the Prophet

- Departure of St. Abraam, the Sixty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Agatho the Stylite

- Departure of St. Agathon, the Thirty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Akakios, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Departure of St. Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St. Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Departure of St. Alexandra, the Empress

- Departure of St. Anastasia

- Departure of St. Anastasius, the Thirty-Sixth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Andronicus, the Thirty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Anianus, the Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Anthony the Great (Antonius)

- Departure of St. Archilidis (Arselidas)

- Departure of St. Athanasius and His Sister, Irene

- Departure of St. Athanasius the Apostolic, the 20th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Barsauma, the Father of the Syrian Monks

- Departure of St. Barsoma, the Naked

- Departure of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle

- Departure of St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea

- Departure of St. Benjamin, the Thirty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Bessarion, the Great

- Departure of St. Bishoy

- Departure of St. Celestine, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Cladianus (Celadion), the Ninth Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Cornelius the Centurion

- Departure of St. Cyriacus

- Departure of St. Dioscorus the Second, the Thirty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Dioscorus the Twenty-Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Elizabeth, the Mother of St. John the Baptist

- Departure of St. Ephraem El-Soriani (The Syrian)

- Departure of St. Eskani (St. Xene)

- Departure of St. Eumenius, the Seventh Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Euphrasia (Eupraxia), the virgin

- Departure of St. Felix, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Fournous, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St. Freig

- Departure of St. Gregorius (Gregory of Nyssa), the Brother of St. Basil the Great

- Departure of St. Gregory the Monk

- Departure of St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians

- Departure of St. Hannah

- Departure of St. Helena, The Empress

- Departure of St. Heraclas, the Thirteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Hilaria, the Daughter of Emperor Zeno

- Departure of St. Ibrahim the Anchorite

- Departure of St. Irene (Eirene)

- Departure of St. Isaiah, the hermit

- Departure of St. James the Monk

- Departure of St. James the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St. James, Bishop of Misre

- Departure of St. James, the Bishop of Nisibis

- Departure of St. Jason, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St. John Chrysostom

- Departure of St. John Kama

- Departure of St. John the Evangelist and Theologian

- Departure of St. John the Fourth, the Forty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. John the Soldier

- Departure of St. John, Archpriest of Scetis

- Departure of St. John, Bishop of Gaza

- Departure of St. John, of the Golden Gospel

- Departure of St. Kyrellos (Cyril), Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St. Kyrillos (Cyril) the First, the Twenty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Kyrillos V (Cyril), the 112th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Leparius, Bishop of Rome

- Departure of St. Macarius III, the 114th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Macarius of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Macarius the Great

- Departure of St. Macarius the Sixty-Ninth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Malachi, the Prophet

- Departure of St. Martinus, Bishop of the Chity of Thrace

- Departure of St. Maruta (Marouta) the Bishop

- Departure of St. Mary Magdalene

- Departure of St. Mary of Egypt

- Departure of St. Matthew the Poor

- Departure of St. Mattias IV (Mattheos), the 102nd Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Maximus and St. Domatius

- Departure of St. Maximus, the Brother of St. Domadius

- Departure of St. Melyos, Pope of Alexandria, the Third

- Departure of St. Michael, Bishop of Naqadah

- Departure of St. Mina, Bishop of Tamai

- Departure of St. Moisis, Bishop of Ouseem

- Departure of St. Obadiah the Prophet

- Departure of St. Otimus, the Priest

- Departure of St. Pa

- Departure of St. Palamon, the Father of the Monks

- Departure of St. Paula El-Tamouhi

- Departure of St. Pelagia

- Departure of St. Peter Elrahawy, Bishop of Gaza

- Departure of St. Peter the Fifth, the 83rd Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Peter the Third the Twenty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Philip, One of the Seven Deacons

- Departure of St. Pisentius, Bishop of Qift

- Departure of St. Poemen the Confessor

- Departure of St. Poimen, the Hermit

- Departure of St. Samuel the Abbot of the Qualamon Monastery (Abba Samuel the Confessor)

- Departure of St. Sarah the nun

- Departure of St. Severianus, Bishop of Gabla

- Departure of St. Shenouda (Shenoute), the Archimandrite

- Departure of St. Silvanus the Monk

- Departure of St. Silvester, Pope of Rome

- Departure of St. Simeon the First, the 42nd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Simeon the Second, the Fifty-First Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of St. Simon the Stylite

- Departure of St. Sisinnios (Sosenius), the Eunich

- Departure of St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian

- Departure of St. Thecla

- Departure of St. Theodora

- Departure of St. Theognosta

- Departure of St. Theopesti

- Departure of St. Theophilus, the Monk

- Departure of St. Thomas, Bishop of Mar

- Departure of St. Timothy II (Timotheos), the 26th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Timothy, Bishop of Ansena

- Departure of St. Timothy, the 22nd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Titus, the Apostle

- Departure of St. Yoannis XIV, the 96th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yoannis XV, the 99th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yusab the Fifty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Yustus, the monk of St. Anthony

- Departure of St. Zacharias, the Monk

- Departure of St. Zacharias, the Sixty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St. Zosimus (Zocima)

- Departure of St.Abba Nofer the Anchorite

- Departure of St.Abba Noub the Confessor

- Departure of St.Abraam, bishop of El-Fayyoum

- Departure of St.Abracius

- Departure of St.Acacius, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Agapetus the Bishop

- Departure of St.Agrippinus, the Tenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Alexander I, 19th Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Alexandros the Second, the Forty-Third Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Ammonius the Hermit

- Departure of St.Andronicus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Apollo, the Companion of Anba Abib

- Departure of St.Arsanius, the Tutor of the Emperor's Children

- Departure of St.Basilius, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Cedron (Kardonos), the Fourth Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Cosma, the Fifty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Cosmas, the Fifty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Damianos, the 35th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat (Scetis)

- Departure of St.Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus

- Departure of St.Erastus, the Apostle

- Departure of St.Euphemia

- Departure of St.Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Eutychus

- Departure of St.Gabriel the Eighth, the 97th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Gabriel, the Fifty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Gelasius

- Departure of St.George (Ga'orgi), the Friend of St.Abraam

- Departure of St.Hadid the priest

- Departure of St.Hedra, Bishop of Aswan

- Departure of St.Hierotheos, of Athens

- Departure of St.Hosea the Prophet

- Departure of St.Isaac (Ishaq), of Hourin

- Departure of St.Isidore of Pelusium

- Departure of St.James of the East

- Departure of St.James, the Fiftieth Pope of Alexandria (St.Yacobus)

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of El-Borollos Who Gathered the Biographies of the Saints

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.John, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Departure of St.Julian, the Eleventh Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Junia, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Justus, the Sixth Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Konan

- Departure of St.Kyrillos the Second, the 67th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Latsoun El-Bahnasawy

- Departure of St.Longinus, the Abbot of El-Zugag Monastery

- Departure of St.Macrobius

- Departure of St.Malatius the Confessor, Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Marcian (Martinianus)

- Departure of St.Mark II, 49th Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Martha of Egypt

- Departure of St.Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In)

- Departure of St.Michael II, 53rd Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of St.Narcissus

- Departure of St.Nicholas, Bishop of Mora

- Departure of St.Onesiphorous (Friska), One of the Seventy Apostles

- Departure of St.Pachomius (Pakhom), the Father of the Spiritual Communal Monastic Life (Cenobitic Life)

- Departure of St.Paphnotius (St.Paphnuti), the Bishop

- Departure of St.Paphnoute

- Departure of St.Peter the Fourth, the 34th Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Peter the Worshipper

- Departure of St.Peter, the Twenty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Philogonus, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Prochorus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Departure of St.Severus, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Departure of St.Tadros (Theodore), the Disciple of St.Pachomius

- Departure of St.Thaddaeus, the Apostle

- Departure of St.Theodorus (Theodor), the Forty-Fifth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Theodosius, the 33rd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Theodotus, the Bishop

- Departure of St.Theonas, the Sixteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Timothy the Anchorite

- Departure of St.Timothy the Third, the Thirty-Second Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Yoannis the 16th, the 103rd Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of St.Zacharias, Bishop of Sakha

- Departure of St.Zechariah the Prophet

- Departure of the Great Prophet Daniel

- Departure of the Great Prophet Joshua Son of Nun

- Departure of the Great Saint Abba John the Short

- Departure of the Great Saint Anba Paul, the First Hermit

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Isaac, the Forty-First Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Maximus, the Fifteenth Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the Holy Father Anba Michael, the Seventy-First Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of the Holy Prophet Nahum

- Departure of the Honorable Father St. Theophilus, the Twenty-Third Pope of Alexandria

- Departure of the most honored Layman Ibrahim El-Gohari

- Departure of the Prophet Habakkuk

- Departure of the Righteous Amos, the Prophet

- Departure of the righteous Emperor Constantine the Great

- Departure of The Righteous Gideon, One of the Judges of Israel

- Departure of the Righteous Hannah, the Prophetess and Mother of Samuel, the Prophet

- Departure of the Righteous Joachim, the Lord Christ Grandfather

- Departure of the righteous Job

- Departure of the Saint Anba Khail (Mikhail) the Fifty Sixth Pope of the See of St. Mark

- Departure of the Saint Anba Khail (Mikhail), the Forty-Sixth Pope of the See of St.Mark

- Departure of the Saints Apollo and Abib

- Departure of the Three Hebrew Young Men : Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael

- Departure of the Upright Haggai the Prophet

- Departure of the Upright St. Joseph, the Carpenter

- Deparure of St. Gregory, the Wonder Worker

- Discovery of the Relics of St. Abahour (Pihour), St. Bisoura (Pisoura), and Their Mother Ampera (Asra)

- Eclipse of the Sun in the year 958 of the Martyrs

- Enthronement of Pope Demitrius the Second, the 111th Patriarch of Alexandria

- Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple in Jerusalem

- Feast Day of the Appearance of the Honorable Cross

- Feast of El-Nayrouz (Beginning of the Blessed Coptic Year)

- Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ to the Temple

- Feast of the Glorified Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas)

- Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor

- Festival of the Honored Archangel Michael

- First Pontifical Liturgy is the New St. Mark Cathedral in the Monastery of Anba Rowais

- Great Earthquake in Cairo and Most of the Egyptian Cities

- Holy Epiphany of Our Lord, God and Savior

- Inauguration of the New St. Mark Cathedral in the Monastery of Anba Rowais

- Job and His Washing

- Martydom of the Fifty Virgins and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of 400 martyrs in Dandara (Denderah)

- Martyrdom of Anba Bisada the Priest

- Martyrdom of Daoud (David), the Monk

- Martyrdom of George (Girgis) the new martyr

- Martyrdom of John of Herakleia

- Martyrdom of One Hundred and Fifty Men and Twenty-Four Women from Ansena

- Martyrdom of Saint Ammonius, Bishop of Esna

- Martyrdom of Saint Anba Amoun and the Righteous Sophia

- Martyrdom of Saint Febronia the Ascetic

- Martyrdom of Saints Abadir and Irai, His Sister

- Martyrdom of Saints Abba Hour and his Mother Theodora

- Martyrdom of Saints Agathon, Peter, John, Ammon and Ammona and their Mother, Rebecca

- Martyrdom of Saints Anba Bshay (Ebshoy) and Anba Botros (Peter)

- Martyrdom of Saints Athanasius, the Bishop, Gerasimus (Jarasimus), and Theodotus

- Martyrdom of Saints Behnam and Sarah, His Sister

- Martyrdom of Saints Benjamin and his Sister Eudexia

- Martyrdom of Saints Bidaba, Bishop of Qift, Anba Andrew, and Anba Christodoulas

- Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of Saints Epimachus and Azarianus

- Martyrdom of Saints Harouadj, Ananias, and Khouzi

- Martyrdom of Saints John and Simon, his cousin

- Martyrdom of Saints Kobtlas and Aksu, his Sister, and Tatos, his Friend.

- Martyrdom of Saints Mercurius and Ephraem

- Martyrdom of Saints Onanius and Andrews

- Martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul, the Apostles

- Martyrdom of Saints Philemon and Apollonius

- Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape and Their Mother Sophia

- Martyrdom of Saints Simeon of Menouf, Abba Hor and Abba Mina the Elder

- Martyrdom of St. Abakragoun

- Martyrdom of St. Abba Hour El-Siriakousy

- Martyrdom of St. Abba Shenoute, during the Early Arab Rule

- Martyrdom of St. Agabius, the Soldier, and his Sister Thecla

- Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St. Ananias, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Anastasia

- Martyrdom of St. Anastasia

- Martyrdom of St. Anatolius

- Martyrdom of St. Anatolius

- Martyrdom of St. Anba Kaou

- Martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Brother of St. Peter

- Martyrdom of St. Andrianus

- Martyrdom of St. Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos

- Martyrdom of St. Antonius (Anthony) of Beba

- Martyrdom of St. Aoulimpas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Apamon (Abba Amoun)

- Martyrdom of St. Apamon of Toukh

- Martyrdom of St. Apanoub

- Martyrdom of St. Apoli, Son of Justus

- Martyrdom of St. Arbsima the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins

- Martyrdom of St. Ari, the Priest of Shatanouf

- Martyrdom of St. Arsenius, Slave of St. Sousnyous

- Martyrdom of St. Babnuda (Paphnute)

- Martyrdom of St. Bacchus, the companion of St. Sergius

- Martyrdom of St. Bandlaemon, the Physician

- Martyrdom of St. Baslantya

- Martyrdom of St. Bropharius

- Martyrdom of St. Christopher

- Martyrdom of St. Clement

- Martyrdom of St. Clement, Pope of Rome

- Martyrdom of St. Colluthus of Antinoe (Known as Abu Colta)

- Martyrdom of St. Cyprianus and St. Justina

- Martyrdom of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta, his Mother

- Martyrdom of St. Damian in Antioch

- Martyrdom of St. Daysa the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Demetrius the Thessalonican

- Martyrdom of St. Demiana

- Martyrdom of St. Dimides

- Martyrdom of St. Dionysius the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St. Dioscorus

- Martyrdom of St. Domadius El-Souriani (The Syrian)

- Martyrdom of St. Epime (Pimanon)

- Martyrdom of St. Eudaemon, of Armant (El-Armanti)

- Martyrdom of St. Euphemia

- Martyrdom of St. Eusebius, Son of Basilides the Minister

- Martyrdom of St. Eusegnius (Eugenius) the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Eustathius and his Two Sons

- Martyrdom of St. George (Girgis) known as El-Mezahem

- Martyrdom of St. George the Alexandrian

- Martyrdom of St. George, Prince of Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Hadid

- Martyrdom of St. Helias of Hnes

- Martyrdom of St. Hilaria

- Martyrdom of St. Horesius (Harsios) of Soul

- Martyrdom of St. Isaac El-Defrawi

- Martyrdom of St. Isidore

- Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, Bishop of Jerusalem

- Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, the Brother of St. John the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. James the Mangled (Sawn)

- Martyrdom of St. James, the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Jeremiah the Prophet

- Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist

- Martyrdom of St. John the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Julietta

- Martyrdom of St. Julius El-Akfehas, the Writer of the Biography of Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Lawindianus (Leontius)

- Martyrdom of St. Longinus the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St. Luke the Evangelist

- Martyrdom of St. Macarius

- Martyrdom of St. Malachias of Palestine

- Martyrdom of St. Malatini the Virgin

- Martyrdom of St. Mari-Mina the Wonder Worker

- Martyrdom of St. Marina, of Antioch

- Martyrdom of St. Mary, the Armenian

- Martyrdom of St. Matra

- Martyrdom of St. Matrounah

- Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Evangelist

- Martyrdom of St. Maurice leader of the Theban Legion

- Martyrdom of St. Mercurius known as the Saint with Two Swords

- Martyrdom of St. Metra

- Martyrdom of St. Moses (Moisees) and his Sister Sarah

- Martyrdom of St. Pantaleemon, the Physician

- Martyrdom of St. Paul the Syrian

- Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople

- Martyrdom of St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs

- Martyrdom of St. Philip the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Philotheus

- Martyrdom of St. Pigebs (Bekhebs)

- Martyrdom of St. Piroou and St. Athom

- Martyrdom of St. Pisoura the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St. Procopius (Proconius) of Jerusalem

- Martyrdom of St. Qozman El-Tahawy and his companions

- Martyrdom of St. Quadratus, One of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St. Quarshenoufa (Warshenofius)

- Martyrdom of St. Quona and St.Mina

- Martyrdom of St. Sarabamon, Bishop of Nakiyos

- Martyrdom of St. Sergius, the companion of St. Bacchus

- Martyrdom of St. Simeon the Armenian, Bishop of Persia and 150 with him

- Martyrdom of St. Simon Cleophas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Sophia

- Martyrdom of St. Stephen the Archdeacon

- Martyrdom of St. Theodore, Bishop of Corinth, and his companions

- Martyrdom of St. Theodore, Bishop of Pentapolis

- Martyrdom of St. Theodosia and her companions

- Martyrdom of St. Theophilus and His Wife in Fayyum

- Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Shentalet

- Martyrdom of St. Thomas, the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Timon the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Timothy and the Relocation of the Body of St.Theodore, the Prince of Setb

- Martyrdom of St. Timothy the Apostle

- Martyrdom of St. Victor (Boctor)

- Martyrdom of St. Wasilides

- Martyrdom of St. Yostus, the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Abaskhiroun the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.Abe-Fam the Soldier (St.Phoebammon)

- Martyrdom of St.Alexandrus

- Martyrdom of St.Alladius the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Anba Bisadi (Psote) the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Archippus, St.Philemon and St.Lycia the Virgin

- Martyrdom of St.Arianus, the Governor of Ansena

- Martyrdom of St.Aristobulus, the apostle

- Martyrdom of St.Askala (Asela) the Fighter

- Martyrdom of St.Balanah, the Priest

- Martyrdom of St.Barnabas, One of the Seventy Apostles

- Martyrdom of St.Barsanuphius

- Martyrdom of St.Basil (Basilaos) The Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Bishai Anoub

- Martyrdom of St.Boctor Ebn Romanus

- Martyrdom of St.Callinacus, Bishop of Oseem

- Martyrdom of St.Claudius

- Martyrdom of St.Dabamon

- Martyrdom of St.Domicos

- Martyrdom of St.Epimachus (Ephimachus) of Pelusium

- Martyrdom of St.Fabian (Fabrianus), Pope of Rome

- Martyrdom of St.Glathinos in Damascus

- Martyrdom of St.Haboulyous (Hanulius) the prince.

- Martyrdom of St.Hepatius, Bishop of Gangra

- Martyrdom of St.Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, in Rome

- Martyrdom of St.Ignatius, the Patriarch of Antioch

- Martyrdom of St.Isidore, Friend of Sina the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.James the Apostle, the Son of Alphaeus

- Martyrdom of St.John of Senhout

- Martyrdom of St.Jude, one of the Seventy Disciples

- Martyrdom of St.Julian (Yulianus) and his mother in Alexandria

- Martyrdom of St.Justus, the Son of Emperor Numerian

- Martyrdom of St.Lucilianus and four others with him

- Martyrdom of St.Macrobius (Makrawy) the Bishop

- Martyrdom of St.Mary the Israelite

- Martyrdom of St.Matthias, the apostle

- Martyrdom of St.Millius, the Ascetic

- Martyrdom of St.Mina the Monk

- Martyrdom of St.Nehrou

- Martyrdom of St.Onesimus, the Disciple of St.Paul

- Martyrdom of St.Peter the priest

- Martyrdom of St.Philo, the Bishop of the Persians

- Martyrdom of St.Philothaos

- Martyrdom of St.Pishay (Abshai), the Antiochian

- Martyrdom of St.Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna

- Martyrdom of St.Porphyry

- Martyrdom of St.Sarah, and her two sons

- Martyrdom of St.Sarapion

- Martyrdom of St.Sedhom Bishay in Domiat

- Martyrdom of St.Sergius of Atripe and His Father, Mother, Sister, and Many Others with Them

- Martyrdom of St.Shenouda (Sinouti) El Bahnasawy

- Martyrdom of St.Shenousi (Sanusi)

- Martyrdom of St.Simon the Zealot, the Apostle known as (Simon the Canaanite)

- Martyrdom of St.Sina, the Soldier

- Martyrdom of St.Sousenyos

- Martyrdom of St.Theoclia, the wife of St.Justus

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore El-Mishreke (Of the East)

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore of Shotep

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore the Monk

- Martyrdom of St.Theodore the Roman

- Martyrdom of St.Timothy and St.Matthias

- Martyrdom of St.Timothy of Memphis (El-Masry)

- Martyrdom of St.Zadok and the One Hundred and Twenty-Eight who were with him

- Martyrdom of the blessed Youhanna (John) Abu Nagaah El-Kabeer

- Martyrdom of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia

- Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat (Scetis)

- Martyrdom of the Great Saint Anba Moses the Black

- Martyrdom of the Great Saint Mark, the Apostle, the Evangelist of the Land of Egypt

- Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins : Agape, Eirene, and Shiona

- Martyrdom of the Monk St. Bashnouna El-Maqari

- Martyrdom of the One Hundred and Fifty believers by the hand of the King of Persia

- Martyrdom of the Righteous Father Abba Hilarion

- Martyrdom of the Righteous Father St. Macarius the Bishop of Edkow

- Martyrdom of the Saint Abba Isaac

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abakir, John, the Three Virgins and Their Mother

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abba Hor, Tosia and her children, and Abba Agatho the Anchorite

- Martyrdom of the Saints Abrianus, Amrata his wife, Eusebius, Armanius, and the Forty Martyrs

- Martyrdom of the Saints Apakir, John, Ptolemy, and Philip

- Martyrdom of the Saints Eugenius, Agathodorus and Elpidius

- Martyrdom of the Saints John and James, Bishops of Persia

- Martyrdom of the Saints Joshua and Joseph

- Martyrdom of the Saints Lazarus, Salomi, His Wife and their Children

- Martyrdom of the Saints Marcianus and Mercurius

- Martyrdom of the Saints Maximus, Nometius, Boctor, and Philopus

- Martyrdom of the Saints Paul, Longinus and Deenah (Zaina)

- Martyrdom of the Saints Thecla and Mouji

- Martyrdom of the Saints Victor, Decius, Eirene the Virgin, and those with them men, women, and virgins

- Martyrdom of the Saints: Barbara and Juliana

- Martyrdom of the Saints: Esi and His Sister Thecla

- Martyrdom of the Seven Ascetic Saints in Tounar Mount

- Martyrdom of the Seven Young Men of Ephesus

- Martyrdom of the Two Saints Atrasis and Yoana

- Martyrdom of the Vizier Abu Elaala Fahd Ibn Ibrahim and his companions

- Martyrdom of Thirty-Thousand Christians in Alexandria

- Martyrdom of Zacharias the Prophet

- Nativity of St. John, the Baptist

- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

- Paramone of Holy Theophany (Epiphany)

- Raid of the Arabs of Upper Egypt on the Wilderness of Scetis

- Raising of Lazarus from the dead

- Re-Opening of St. Mary's Church in Haret El-Rum

- Recovery of the Holy Relics of St. George, the Great Martyr

- Reign of the Righteous Emperor Constantine, the Great

- Relocation of the Body of Saint Abba Severus, Archbishop of the City of Antioch

- Relocation of the Body of St. Simon (Simeon) the Stylite to the city of Antioch

- Relocation of the Relics of St.Mercurius to Cairo

- Relocation of the Relics of St.Timothy the Apostle

- Return of the Great Saints Anba Macarius the Great and Anba Macarius of Alexandria from Exile

- Return of the Relics of the Great St. Mark to the New St. Mark Cathedral

- The Angels Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias

- The Martyrdom of the Sts. Alexander, Agabius, Alexander, Timol (Timolaos), Dionysius, Romulus, and Blesius (Valesius).

- Transfer of Relics of St. Aklimos and His Companions

- Transfer of the Body of St. Stephen the Archdeacon

- Transfer of the Relics of St. Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth)

- Translocation of the Body of St. Macarius to His Monastery in Scetis

- Turning Over the Relics of the Great St. Mark the Apostle by the hand of Pope Paul the Sixth, Pope of Rome

November 25, 2024 - Hatour 16, 1741

Consecration of the Church of St. Abu-Nofer

On this day also was the consecration of the Church of St. Abu-Nofer, the hermit, which was in El-Zaher, Misr (Cairo).